Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A New Beginning in 2006


2005 was a lot about moving on in life. My friendships had changed and it was very much a year of reflection and finding myself. Some of the lessons I went through were painful, but you learn and grow from your most powerful lessons. They make us the people we are today and, I am grateful for the lessons I learnt.

2006 has many promises to offer and many challenges to complete. I don't usually make New Year Resolutions, but on January 1st I found myself on the spur of the moment doing just that. I'm working on these now and look forward to jotting them down here as I progress.

I have began my yoga once more and intend to practise daily,
I am working on my attitude towards certain things, and affirmations etc.

Love, Light & Many Blessings

Margo. xXx

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